Leading demonstrators must be executed, Ayatollah Khatami demands -Times Online
I've read a lot about US and UK involvement in Iran, I've heard about how Iran is held as a pariah whilst Saudi is given free rein in turn for oil. I've heard plenty of people say that the election wasn't rigged. To all those who seek to justify Iran's actions, have a look at this. A full and free democracy does not kill its people for questioning its authority. It does not cut off communication with the outside world. The protestors in Estonia in their revolution against the USSR were protected by the communication channel they had to Helsinki and the outside world who could hear them sing. That communication froze the Soviet troops. Whilst the people of Iran are talking, it is our duty, as human beings, to keep listening.
The Ayatollah claimed that Neda Soltan, the woman shot during a demonstration last Saturday, had been killed by fellow protesters because “government forces do not shoot at a lady standing in a side street”.Leading demonstrators must be executed, Ayatollah Khatami demands - Times Online