Justice in Pakistan?
I've had an idea in my head for a while that I wanted to start
blogging about things a bit more political than my technical blog. Not
party political, because frankly, that bores me, but political in the
grander sense. Today I was having a discussion on Facebook about Osama
bin Laden, and whether killing can ever be a good thing. And I would
say that the question isn't what is right, a question of if it is OK
in this circumstance, but not in that circumstance.
forgiveness are to mean anything, then they, like the human rights
they are based on, must be universal. We cannot say "this person is
not worthy of justice" because then justice is hollow and becomes a
tool to control others by imposing values on others that you would not
follow yourself. To demonise one man for his actions dehumanises both him and those who
oppose him. Simply calling him "evil" absolves you of responsibility
to hear his grievances. Not listening to the victim does not justify
the crime of murder. And for those who would say that he would not
give his victims compassion, I would ask why you choose his actions as
a guiding principle when you condemn those same actions in his hands? Will this death undo all those who have died before? No. Will it stop
future terrorist attacks? Unfortunately not. Is celebrating death,
anyone's death distasteful? Of course. Do you want justice, revenge or compassion? What sort of person do you
really want to be?
I am depressed that u actually believe this not very well crafted scaam.
The big bearded mastermind that took ten years to catch? They then don't even have a body to show?
It is laughable, the real question is, why are they doing this bow? War with Pakistan or a must needed pump to obama's ratings which r at an all time low.
Come on mate, this is so staged AND badly staged at that.
Surely u don't fall for the big man with the beard who hides out in a cave? It took the biggest military machine 10 years to find this distinctive comic book character. Then they don't even have the body.
The real question is, why are they doing this now? Another war or a bump to obama's flagging ratings.
It is so badly staged that it is funny. You need to stop watching the BBC. They are a sham.
I realise Obama is not the first to declare bin Laden dead, but what really riled me was the reaction and the idea that this was a good day, and an excuse for a party. Whether he died yesterday or not, the whole response sickened me, and shows that the fight for "democracy" and "freedom" was, for many, just a drawn out vigilante attack. Without asking him to defend himself, many questions will be left unanswered and justice can never be completed.
It's all a con.
The government controlled media are as much to blame for the nationalistic reaction to this staged coup.
It is so hard to make rational decisions when all you are told are lies.
Expect more shouts if "U S. A.". It will also be deemed to be unpatriotic to not celebrate this.
Then look at Libya when it is now public knowledge that the rebels have high numbers of al qaeda in the west backed rebels. It us so crazy that I an starting to doubt reality
Even this group of architects do not buy into 9/11 http://www.ae911truth.org/. It just is not physically possible for buildings to collapse that way.
Then they come up with the guy with the beard who masterminded it all.
The depressing thing for me is that people are buying this nonsense.
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